January 21, 2024

The Internet is a global network of interconnected computers and devices facilitating communication and information exchange. Computer scientists Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn are credited with inventing the Internet communication protocols we use today and the system referred to as the Internet.
The concept originated in the 1960s with the ARPANET project, and the first message was sent in 1969. The Internet is said to have had its official birthday on January 1, 1983. Before this, there was no common method for the many computer networks to connect with one another. Transfer Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol (TCP/IP) is a newly established communications protocol. Initially, for research and military use, it evolved into a platform for various applications.

The intensifying Cold War served as another impetus for the development of the Internet. The Soviet Union's Sputnik satellite launch prompted the U.S. Defense Department to think about how information could be shared even in the event of a nuclear assault. As a result, the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, or ARPANET, was eventually created. This network eventually gave rise to the Internet as we know it today. Today, it serves communication, information sharing, e-commerce, entertainment, education, etc.

All public websites or pages that people may access on their local computers and other devices via the internet are collectively referred to as the World Wide Web, or W3 for short. The WWW is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessible via the Internet. While employed at CERN in 1989, British scientist Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web (WWW). 

The original idea behind the creation of the Web was to satisfy the need for automated information exchange amongst scientists working in research centers and universities throughout the globe. The basic concept of the WWW was to merge the evolving technologies of computers, data networks and hypertext into a powerful and easy to use global information system. Today It's a crucial part of the Internet for content access and creation.

The internet andd the WWW are not the same. The Internet is the infrastructure, while the WWW is a system of accessing and sharing information on the Internet. But the WWW relies on the Internet for connectivity, but it is a distinct component.

The first website was created by Tim Berners-Lee created the first website and went live in 1991. The original website is no longer up, but a version mirroring its content is available. Hedy Lamarr was an Austrian-American actress and inventor who pioneered the technology that would one day form the basis for today's WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth communication systems. There's a song about her called "Hedwig's Lament," but it's unrelated to her technological contributions.

Dutch engineer Jaap Haartsen discovered a ground-breaking method of employing a range of low-power radio frequencies to connect electronic devices to each other at short range without the need for wires while working in the mobile phone division of Ericsson in the mid-1990s. The logo combines the initials of Harald Bluetooth, a Danish king known for uniting disparate tribes.

While many people and organizations were involved, the person who contributed the most to the WiFi we know today is Vic Hayes. Many consider Hayes, who invented WiFi, “the father of WiFi.” He was the committee chairman that created IEEE 802.11 standards in 1997. Termed initially "WaveLAN," it was later branded as WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) by the WiFi Alliance.

Works Cited 

Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Who invented the internet?. Encyclopædia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/story/who-invented-the-internet#:~:text=Computer%20scientists%20Vinton%20Cerf%20and,referred%20to%20as%20the%20Internet.

A brief history of the Internet. (n.d.). https://www.usg.edu/galileo/skills/unit07/internet07_02.phtml#:~:text=January%201%2C%201983%20is%20considered,Protocol%20(TCP%2FIP).

Awati, R. (2023, January 24). What is the World Wide Web (WWW)?: Definition from TechTarget. WhatIs. https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/World-Wide-Web

Awati, R. (2023, January 24). What is the World Wide Web (WWW)?: Definition from TechTarget. WhatIs. https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/World-Wide-Web

2018, C. C. |. (n.d.). Biography: Hedy Lamarr. National Women’s History Museum. https://www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/hedy-lamarr#:~:text=Hedy%20Lamarr%20was%20an%20Austrian,GPS%2C%20and%20Bluetooth%20communication%20systems.

Jaap Haartsen. Jaap Haartsen | Epo.org. (n.d.). https://www.epo.org/en/news-events/european-inventor-award/meet-the-finalists/jaap-haartsen#:~:text=Netherlands&text=Working%20in%20the%20mobile%20phone,of%20low%2Dpower%20radio%20frequencies.

Beambox. (2023, April 20). Who invented WIFI: WIFI Marketing. https://beambox.com/townsquare/who-invented-wifi.


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